Importing/Exporting Pages

Since Superstar pages are quite large(depending on your page images and videos), they cannot be auto-synced to your Chrome user account. Start pages created with images or a video background can have an average size of 400kb to 50 MB, which far exceeds Chrome’s browser sync size limit of 100 kb. Since the extension settings … Read more

Editing Widgets

Editing Widgets To edit the widgets in your current page, you will first have to enter the Widget Edit Mode, by clicking the Wiget Edit Mode button from the Sidebar. Once you enter Widget Edit Mode, each widget will display a three-dot icon on the top right corner and a drag icon on the left … Read more

Changing Page Background

With SuperStart you have a variety of options for customizing your page backgrounds. To Change your page Background, click the Page settings button from the sidebar and then click the “Page Style” menu. You will be able to switch between background types from the “Background Type” option. Color Background: If you want to use a … Read more

Editing Pages

You can access the Page Edit section by clicking the Page Settings button from the Sidebar. Once you click that button, a small menu will show up which will present you with these options: Page Style: From this menu, you will able to change the Page background, and how your widgets look. Change Page Title: … Read more

Creating Pages

With SuperStart PRO you can create more pages and switch between them depending on your mood, environment, or specific workflows. For example, you can create a Sperate page for your office, and another one for your home. When you are at home, you can simply click the page you made for home from the sidebar … Read more